Duty Office:

32 325 52 50


32 325 52 51

About us

The Department employs qualified specialists with extensive practical experience. Head of the Department of Medicine. Med. Magdalena Tymowska gained experience in respected clinical centers, e.g. in Cologne, Chicago, Boston, Marseille, Toronto, Paris and Florida. Other doctors who make up our team are constantly learning and take part in conferences and scientific congresses around the world, where they exchange experiences and present the results of their own research. Patients are also supervised by professional and empathetic nursing staff, and in the air-conditioned operating room we can perform even the most complex procedures. We treat most eye diseases. We have 15 beds at our patients’ disposal.
Oddział Otolaryngologiczny
bow. med. Piotr Karczmarczyk
Head of the department

Specialist in otolaryngology. In 1986 he graduated from the Silesian Medical Academy in Katowice. He obtained the 1st and 2nd degree of specialization in the field of otolaryngology thanks to practice in the local hospital and the 3rd Laryngology Clinic in Katowice-Ochojec. From 1987, an assistant and later a senior assistant at the Otolaryngology Department of the Provincial Specialist Hospital No. prof. J. Gasiński. He has been managing the Otolaryngology Department in our hospital since 2012.
Oddział Otolaryngologiczny
Renata Świerkot, MA
Ward nurse
Our team consists of qualified medical staff: three otolaryngologists and two resident doctors. We are members of the Silesian-Opole Branch of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons.


Nose and sinuses:


Throat, larynx and surroundings:

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