The Patient’s Rights Plenipotentiary answers patients’ questions, explains matters and complaints reported by them. The tasks of the Patient Rights Plenipotentiary focus on issues related to the broadly understood observance of patients’ rights, and more specifically:

Attorney for Patients’ Rights in Megrez Sp. z o.o.:
e-mail: [email protected]

Sdetailed informationon patient’s rights is provided by:
800-190-590 (from landline and mobile phones)
mon. – fri at 8.00 – 20.00

Each patient or a person representing him in the event of a violation of patient rights may submit a complaint or request to:
1. Patient Rights Representative to the following e-mail address: [email protected]
2. Ethics Team to the address [email protected]
3. At the Company’s Chancellery (level 1) or to the address: [email protected]
4. In writing to the address of Megrez Sp. z o. o. Provincial Specialist Hospital in Tychy ul. Education 102;
43-100 Tychy;
5. or to an institution, i.e.:
Office of the Patient Ombudsman Open on weekdays from 08:00 to 18:00
secretariat: tel. 22 532 82 50
Free hotline 800 190 590

Patient Rights Representative

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