The main tasks of the team are

In response to the needs of employees, patients and their families, the Ethics Team was established at the Hospital. The Ethics Team consists of people employed at the Hospital, including representatives of the medical and nursing community, a psychologist and a clergyman.

The tasks of the Team include:

Applications may be submitted to the Team :

By e-mail to [email protected]

Traditionally in writing to the address of Megrez Sp. z o. o. Provincial Specialist Hospital in Tychy ul. Education 102; 43-100 Tychy

Via the contact form

    The application should include:
    1. name and surname of the person submitting the application,
    2. contact telephone number and e-mail address of the applicant,
    3. address of the applicant (if the reply is to be delivered in the form of a traditional letter)
    4. description of the ethical problem.
    Anonymous applications or applications that do not meet the above conditions will not be considered.

    Ethics Committee

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