Project name: “Together we will stop the coronavirus”as part of the Regional Operational Program of the Śląskie Voivodeship for 2014-2020 (European Regional Development Fund) for priority axis: X. Revitalization and social infrastructure and health
for action: 10.1. Health protection infrastructure
Beneficiary: Megrez Sp. z o.o. Edukacji 102, 43-100 Tychy
Value of the project: PLN 2,913,500.00
Value of co-financing: PLN 2,908,500.00 (including EU funds PLN 2,472,225.00 and state budget funds from the territorial contract PLN 290,850.00)
Own contribution: PLN 145,425.00
Project implementation period: 2020-07-10 – 2020-09-25
Short description of the project: The project involves the purchase of medical and IT equipment as well as personal protective equipment for the needs of a single-name infectious disease hospital, launched in the current Provincial Specialist Hospital in Tychy. The equipment in question is necessary to reorganize the work of the facility and provide professional medical care to the inhabitants of the Silesian Voivodeship, including the surrounding poviats: Mikołowski, Pszczyna and Bieruń-Lędziński.
As part of the project, the following will be purchased: cardiomonitors, hospital beds, anti-bedsore mattresses, a room decontamination device, a bronchofiberoscope, a device for high-flow oxygen therapy, anesthesia machines, a gynecological and treatment chair, IT equipment and personal protective equipment for staff.