Agreement concluded on June 29, 2020, between: The City of Tychyand MEGREZ Sp. z o.o.

for granting a special-purpose subsidy for the implementation of tasks related to health protection in connection with the epidemiological state in the Republic of Poland, introduced as a result of the spread of an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19)

Subsidy amount: PLN 2,388,200.00

Agreement for the implementation of the investment entitled: “Reconstruction of the premises of the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Tychy to combat COVID-19”

concluded between:

MEGREZ Sp. z o.o.


The construction company Mazur Sp. z o.o.

The subject of the Agreement is the design, obtaining the required administrative decisions, and then the execution of construction and installation works in the field of reconstruction of eight patient rooms into isolation rooms in the bed block building and reconstruction of rooms for the needs of the personnel locker room with hygienic and sanitary facilities in the building of the Diagnostic Imaging Department and the bed block on level -1 of the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Tychy and construction and installation works in the field of reconstruction of rooms for the needs of changing rooms for the Employer’s staff with hygienic and sanitary facilities in the building of the former laundry.

The purpose of the investment is to modernize and adapt the premises to the regulations and hygienic and sanitary conditions ensuring the ability of the Employer to implement procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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